How are the infusions mixed?

Buying infusions in bulk can guarantee us a superior quality drink compared to infusions in sachets because, sometimes, to make the latter, inferior quality herbs or the powder of leaves and flowers that have less aroma and flavor are used. Another way to enjoy quality infusions is to prepare your own mixes. In addition, in this way you can customize the flavor and adapt the infusion to your needs. But how to mix infusions? In this post I will tell you what criteria to follow when preparing your herbal infusions and what is the ideal amount of herbs for an infusion.

How to mix herbs for infusions?

Before answering this question I want to make a premise.

A few weeks ago in the NotasNaturales mailbox I received an email in which they asked me “when combining some herbs for a good infusion, do the plants mix in equal parts?”. Well, this is one of the first concerns I had when I began to be interested in the world of phytotherapy and medicinal plants. As I commented in response to that email, the answer can be yes and no.

Now, below I will try to give an answer to the question that many of us ask ourselves about how to mix herbs for infusions.

In general, when we make an infusion without therapeutic purposes (I mean that it is not a treatment of three or more days), but to savor something warm, for breakfast or to end a lunch or dinner, we can calmly mix the herbs in equal parts. In this case, you can also add a little more of an herb that you particularly like to enhance the aroma or test using the fresh or dried leaf until you find the mixture that you like best.

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